Realistic 2008-2009

Ill actually be nice. sorry guys only move were making this year is Ryder and just maybe maybe Huet this would be a great year to trade huet, hes doing decent and is going to the all-star game. get a key player for him maybe. but to be honest there is no one that attractive to grab this year. not for the prices anyways. and yes i know… price isn’t ready… thats why this is a wishlist.

Our line up isnt that bad. just needs a few changes and get Carb to stop switching the guys because they need to be in the comfort zone with the others.

My wishlist for next years line up

A.Kostistyn – Plekanec – S. Kostitstyn
Higgins – Koivu – Kovalev
Striet – Lapierre – Grabovski
Kostopoulos – Chipchura – Latendresse

Markov – Komisarek
Hamirlik – O’Bryne
Boullion – Gorges


now if we have this and dump all the losers like Injury crazied Begin (even though i love the guy) Dandenault, Huet (since if we keep him there goes 5mil at least) Smolinski (disappointed…) and breezby. then for next years UFA and trade deadline we will have the money to buy someone nice. but that also depends on how well the canadiens tight family comes together. and if Carbo can keep all his lines the same for more than one night.

peace out!

and yes i think im being the realistic one here we don’t need some big guns. we got it already.